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ver. 2023.02


By buying or downloading or using the digital Product or receiving the Services to which this Agreement relates, you accept all of this Agreement’s terms, including the Disclaimers of warranties and limitations on damages, use and transferability. if you do not accept this agreement’s terms, do not download, install or use the digital product or receive or use the services.

1. General

This Agreement hereby incorporates the Privacy Policy.

In this Agreement, “we” and or “us” means vuvey. “you” means the person or entity acquiring rights to the Products or purchasing Services. That may be a natural person, or a corporate or business entity or organization.


  • If you are a natural person then you must be, and you confirm that you are, at least 18 years old.
  • If you are a corporate entity then:
    • the rights granted under this Agreement are granted to that entity;
    • you represent and warrant that the individual completing and accepting this Agreement is an authorized your representative and has the authority to legally bind that you to the Agreement; and
    • to the extent that one or more of your employees are granted any rights in the Product or to receive Services under this Agreement, you will ensure that your employees comply with this Agreement and you will be responsible and liable for any breach of this Agreement by any employee.


This Agreement includes the Privacy Policy and you must be at least 18 years old.

2. Disclamer

Any Products or Services are provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis, without any representations, warranties or conditions of any kind.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law we disclaim, and you waive (with regard to vuvey), all terms, conditions, guarantees, representations and warranties (express, implied, statutory and otherwise), in respect of the Products and Services, including those of merchantability, non-infringement, title, quality, and fitness for a particular purpose.

vuvey does not represent or warrant that:

  • any Product or Service is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free
  • any Product or Service will meet your requirements or expectations
  • any Product or Services is free of viruses or other harmful components
  • any defects in any Product or Service will be corrected


Products and Services are provided as-is and there are no warranties.

3. License

The Product and vuvey are protected by Austrian copyright law, international treaty provisions, and applicable laws in the jurisdiction of use. You agree that no title to the intellectual property of the Product or vuvey is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the product will remain the exclusive property of vuvey.

We hereby grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-refundable, worldwide, non-transferable right and license to (which will be perpetual unless the license terminates as set out in this Agreement):

  • download the Product; and
  • copy and use the Product.

We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you under this Agreement.


Perpetual license until termination, unlimited projects/work, and worldwide. No refunds.

4. Scope

If you are a corporate entity, you may make the Product available for use by your employees in accordance with this Agreement (for example, by storing the Product on a network server).

You may only share the Product with external people or entities where:

  • You are collaborating with the external parties in the creation of your Work and you need to share the Product for that purpose, provided that any external party that receives the Product may only use it in your Work and must secure and limit access to the Product for that purpose;
  • You are working as a contractor for a client in the creation of a Work and need to share the Product with your client, or any external parties working with your client, provided that your client and any such external parties may use the Product only for your client’s Work, and all parties secure and limit access to the Product for that purpose.

For any other use of the Product by any other party, that party must purchase a license to the Product.


You can use the Products and share it within your company or external parties, if needed to be used for a project/work.

5. Copyright

The Product and vuvey are protected by Austrian copyright law, international treaty provisions, and applicable laws in the jurisdiction of use. You agree that no title to the intellectual property of the Product or vuvey is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the Product will remain the exclusive property of vuvey.


Austrian laws apply and ownership rights remain at vuvey.

6. Updates

There is no obligation for vuvey to update any Products.


No mandatory updates.

7. Restrictions

Subject to the restrictions set out in this Agreement, you may copy, use, modify, adapt, translate, publicly display, transmit, broadcast, and create derivative works from the Product in works you create (“Works”), which may include things like films, videos, multi-media projects, computer games, models, images, publications, broadcasts, documents, and presentations.

In addition to any other restrictions in this Agreement, you will not:

  • publish, sell, license, offer or make available for sale or licensing, or otherwise distribute the Product except as part of a Work or through a form of sharing that is authorized in this Agreement; or
  • publish, distribute or make available the Product through any online clearinghouse platform.

You may exercise your rights under this license:

  • for personal use on an unlimited number of personal projects that are not used or distributed in any commercial manner; and
  • with respect to any number of commercial Works, with no limit on sales or views.

Except as expressly permitted under this Agreement, you will not:

  • make any copy of the Product except for archival or backup purposes;
  • circumvent or disable any access control technology, security device, procedure, protocol, or technological protection mechanism that may be included or established in or as part of the Product;
  • hack, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works of the Product or any part of the Product;
  • publish, sell distribute or otherwise make the Product available to others to use, download or copy;
  • transfer or sub-license the Product or any rights under this Agreement to any third party, whether voluntarily or by operation of law;
  • use the Product for any purpose that may be defamatory, threatening, abusive, harmful or invasive of anyone’s privacy, or that may otherwise violate any law or give rise to civil or other liability;
  • misrepresent yourself as the creator or owner of the Property;
  • remove or modify any proprietary notice, symbol or label in or on the Product;
  • directly or indirectly assist, facilitate, or encourage any third party to carry on any activity prohibited by this Agreement.


You can use it for personal and commercial work but do not redistribute, sell, publish or pirate the products.

8. Limitation of Liability

You download, install, and otherwise use all Products, and receive and use all Services, at your own risk. You agree to, and hereby do:

  • waive any claims that you may have against vuvey and assigns arising from or relating to any Products or Services, and
  • release vuvey from any liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury arising from or relating to your use of any Product or Service, whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise, even if vuvey is expressly advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage and even if that loss, injury or damage is foreseeable.

vuvey will not be liable for any losses, damages, claims, or expenses that constitute:

  • loss of interest, profit, business, customers or revenue;
  • business interruptions;
  • cost of replacement Products or Services; or
  • loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill.

Maximum liability:

If, despite the limitations set out above, vuvey becomes liable to you in respect of any Product or Service or otherwise under this agreement, the entire cumulative liability of vuvey, for any damages (regardless of the cause or form of action), will be limited to EUR 1.


vuvey can not be held liable for any losses or damages.

9. Termination

This Agreement is effective until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically without notice if:

  • you breach any terms of this Agreement; or
  • you do not complete payment for the Product or Services, reversed or canceled for any reason.

Upon this Agreement’s termination, you will cease all use of the Product and destroy all copies, full or partial, of the Product in your possession.


On termination you have to delete all copies.