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Cloth – Volume One

Soft Leather

Experience Quality

Bring your creative vision to life with our high-resolution leather stock footage!
Immerse your audience in the beauty of premium leather textures and patterns with stunning clarity and detail. Ideal for advertisements, films, websites, and more, our stock footage will add a touch of sophistication to your content.

Upgrade your visuals today with our high-resolution leather stock footage.

Unleash the power with our exclusive collection of five dynamic soft leather videos!
Elevate your brand or message with custom, high-quality rendered simulations that capture your audience’s attention. Whether you’re looking to enhance your marketing campaigns, explain complex concepts, or simply add a touch of creativity to your content, this is the perfect solution.

Get inspired and stand out today!

Infinite Loop

Add a touch of luxury to your projects with our infinite seamless looping footage of leather material!
Experience the beauty and versatility of premium leather textures and patterns with seamless, endlessly repeating visuals. From sleek and smooth to rugged and rustic, our collection has something for every project.


Experience stunning clarity and detail with our ultra-high-definition (3840x2160p), high-quality renderings! Perfect for advertisements, films, websites, and more, our videos deliver a premium visual experience that engages and impresses your audience.

ProRes HQ 422

 Start with our collection of five stunning renderings in ProRes HQ 422!
Experience the highest quality and detail in every frame. Whether you’re a filmmaker or content creator, our ProRes HQ videos will deliver the sharp, clean visuals you need to tell your story with impact. Our videos deliver the premium quality and versatility you need to achieve your creative vision.

(size > 4GB)


With full control at your fingertips, you get access to various AOVs and bring your ideas to life. Whether you’re looking to change the color or lighting or add depth and dimension, our rendered OpenEXR image sequences give you the possibilities you need to achieve your vision. Experience the power and freedom of complete control in compositing!

(size > 500GB)

Adjust Color

Shift Focus

With our AOVs you can easily rebuild the beauty with the channels “Diffuse”, “Global Illumination”, “Reflection”, and “Specular” which all come in 16-Bit. Additional data AOVs, which come in 32-Bit, will help you to change the depth of field, create dynamic masks for color correction as well as add textures, and much more!


World Position



Project Files

 Unleash your creativity and get full creative control with full access to our project files!
You can tweak, modify, and personalize our project to suit your exact needs. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to endless possibilities with full access to our project files. Experience the power and freedom of full control today!

Get hands-on with the Houdini Indie project files for the simulations, see what the render settings are, and how the composite is put together in Nuke Indie. Our project files offer a deep dive into the creative process, start exploring!

(size > 5MB)

Houdini Indie

With full access to the source files, you can customize, modify, and enhance your projects to suit your specific needs. Take a deep dive into the actual Houdini Indie project files. Discover all the settings and the complete setup for simulation, shading/material as well as rendering with Redshift.

Material textures are not included, you can find it here.

Nuke Indie

Upgrade your workflow and maximize your productivity with our compositing project files! Whether you want to change color, and lighting, or add some textures, you’ll have access to all the AOV render passes. Save time using the world position pass and adjust the depth of field!

For unsought fireflies, we used an excellent gizmo for Nuke.
This is not included, you can find it here.

After Effects

Get hands-on with the source files and learn how they were brought to life. After Effects was used to organize and set up all the material. Trailer, web images as well as social media posts and videos. Take a look behind the scenes and see how it all came together. Start exploring and discovering today!

The utilized music is not included, you can find it here.


4k UHD Resolution
ProRes HQ 422 Video
OpenExr Sequence
Render AOVs
Infinite Loop

Compositing Projects (Nuke Indie)
Simulation Projects  (Houdini Indie)
Render Projects (Houdini Indie/Redshift)
Trailer/Images Project (After Effects)

Music, Sounds, Textures, Plugins, or any 3rd party software/assets are not included!

Houdini Indie




Nuke Indie

14.0 v2

After Effects


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any kind of refund?


Are textures/plugins included?


Do I need an account?


Are these products for commercial use?


Are there license limits?


Can I sell or distribute?


By purchasing and using this product you agree to the full terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement (EULA) and agree that vuvey owns all legal rights, title and interest in the product and that the EULA is a license agreement that governs your use of the product and is not an agreement of sale.